Leaking pipes can be disruptive if they are not dealt with immediately. Learning how to cope with this plumbing emergency can be very helpful and can save you from additional damage to your property and of course, from thousands of pounds.Some leaks are caused by worn out parts, like a toilet flapper, which can be fixed by simply replacing the part, while others can be more serious, like burst pipes. Here are few things you can do to fix the problem, or some temporary fixes that you can do while waiting for your plumber. Since leaking pipes or burst pipes happen without a warning, it pays to have a plumbing kit handy. Before starting any work, make sure to turn off your water supply. This will stop the flow of cold water into the house. It is also important that you turn your boiler and immersion heater. Then drain all water from the pipes by running the hot and cold water taps until no more water comes out. You should also turn off electricity if the leak is near sockets or wiring.When all the water has been drained, mark the section where the leak is, and use a hacksaw to remove the leaking section. Fit the repair piece and tighten the joints.If you do not have the necessary tools and parts, temporarily stop the leak by hammering the pipe flat on each side of the leak. Do not ever try to repair a leaking boiler. If you think the leaking is serious and you are not confident that you can fix the problem, you don’t have to worry since Plumbers Eltham can come to you immediately and rescue you right away. We at Plumber Eltham can help you fix your leaking pipes and any other plumbing needs or issues.