When the washing machine goes down, it is hard to get by without it. When this happens, you have a choice to make; you can try to see what is wrong on your own or call the repairman to do the washing machine repairs Eltham. Anything about the machine can go wrong; it can be that the water refuses to turn on, the special timing cycles failed to turn the valves, or the water does not drain, among others. It is easy to diagnose the problem and to do the repairs on your own if you have the right skills and patience. The washing machine is complex and you have to know some simple steps to use so that you may diagnose the washer problem. When the washer does not receive enough power, you have to see if it is a malfunctioning outlet, damaged cord or loose plug. When these do not cause any problem, then you have to check with the circuit breaker or blown fuse. In such cases, you may need only the simple washing machine repairs Eltham. When the machine continues to receive power but it does not work, then you may have to consider other options that are on a deep level. After you have checked the power, you have to check the supply of water. The knobs can be turned on inadvertently and the hoses may be kinked ? a quick inspection can show the result. You have to make sure that the faucets of the water are turned on and that all the hoses are extended without any kink. When the washer has a water saver button, you have to ensure that the button is already depressed. When you do not see any problem with the above checks, then it may mean that the washing machine should be cleaned.